Sweet and Sour Crisp Mandarin Fish

   This is the easiest, most delicious recipe, one of my favorites, if you are looking for such dish, then this is your best choice.

Sweet and sour crisp mandarin fish, the making method: scrape off the scales and dig the gills of live mandarin fish, make a incision in the abdomen to remove the viscera. Score a big inverse strip every two inches on both sides of the body, spread both inside and outside the fish body with refined salt and yellow wine, pickle for ten minutes, and then smear a layer of wet starch evenly. Cut dried slices of tender bamboo shoots and water mushrooms into slices.

Place the wok on high-temperature fire, add lard stearin, while braising it to medium-well, grasp the fish head with one hand, and fishtail with another hand, making the carving place of the fishback touching the oil surface, and fry the flesh of fish to rolled up, then put it into the oil, turn over twice and move to a soft fire to fry for 8 minutes, pull out of it when the surface is fried coke and presents golden yellow and put into a plate, push with a clean cloth on the body of the fish to loosen its skeleton, which is beneficial to seasoning pickled tasty. Transfer clear soup into the juice, add oil on dried slices of tender bamboo shoots, sliced chilies and shredded mushroom and fried, then pour the prepared juice and boil, sprinkle onto the fish body evenly, with coriander displaying on both sides.

Characteristics: the dish is in dark red, with tender flesh and crisp skin, sweet and sour occupies the main taste, moderately spicy and salty, and it smells fragrant, deserves to be called a delicacy.

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